The JAB's

The JAB's
just another day on the run

Monday, November 12, 2012

a day to ketchup-- errr catch up!

Ok so for those of you who are reading this, you may not know- I love ketchup.  It's pretty much the condiment that I will and do put on anything.  Today has nothing to do with ketchup (this photo taken on our honeymoon, I found a stash of bottles when we were out to eat on Oahu).  It's more about catch up-- catching up from a busy weekend!

Let's go back to Friday, shall we?
The husband and I went to Honda to test drive cars.  We had been before, but had narrowed it down to the Honda Insight and Civic and were going to try to make our final decision. We opted on the Civic, but weren't planning on purchasing that evening; HOWEVER, our sales guy said, "so what do I have to do to get you to make purchase this evening?"  Hm.. how about cutting us a deal?

Long story short, we negotiated a bit, traded in Mr. JAB's 2005 Subaru(pictured driving below)
and signed on to buying a new 2012 Honda Civic!!!
While I was super excited, I did feel bad- the husband had to give up his Subie baby- the first car that he had bought new. :(  But he is so generous, that he insisted I get the new car since I drive 300+ miles a week for work which is over a half hour away up in MA.  (The plan is for me to drive this car for the next 1.5-2 years, then hopefully when we move again he will inherit the new civic and we'll look into another car... maybe one more fit for a family!?;) not rushing that yet though.
After going back on Saturday and doing about 3 hours of paper work and waiting we drove home our new baby! So we are now a Honda family!!

Since that took longer than planned, I didn't make it to the gym to run, instead Mr. JAB and I went to the basement for a ride on our trainers. I rode about 1 hour and 55 minutes, then did some hip exercises before a quick shower and lunch.  Why the rush? We had a date night!

We had tickets to go to Providence to PPAC- the Providence Performing Arts Center to see a play--- ELF!

No photos allowed there... check out the website! It was a great play, very similar to the movie-- minus Will Ferrell of course.  I was surprised at some of the language though... a little too vulgar for some of the younger kids in the audience.

Sunday morning I was determined to finally run.  I had taken 2 weeks off due to a calf muscle strain, but I am happy to report that I ran 5.25 miles in 40:15 and had no pain! (although I am a little sore today, not used to running and hip work)... after the run I did another 35 minutes on the elliptical to finish off the workout.
And yes, I was happy to run!:
(In the spirit of Elf all I could think of in my head was "I'm running! I'm at the gym on a treadmill and I'm running!!")
Then it was time for house work! Mr. JAB and I cleaned cars/ switched things from mine to his, did some yard work, and some house work-- I folded 3 loads of laundry, yikes!  He then told me that Lowe's had a Veteran's Day sale and the dishwasher we had eyed a few weeks ago was $40 off... so instead of trying to fight the crowds on Black Friday, we went to Lowe's to order this appliance:
A nice white dishwasher to match the new stove we got a few weeks ago.  Our kitchen is almost completely renovated!  We're still waiting to hear from them about installation, but it's nice to know that our final ugly old black dishwasher with some nice rust forming at the bottom will soon no longer be living in our home!  (It still does wash dishes, so I can't complain about it not functioning, but we know that if we want to move/ sell the house we need to update, so why not do it now so we can enjoy it a bit too?)

And as if yesterday wasn't busy enough, it was also a Pat's day--- thank goodness for DVR! The husband watched the first half while I cleaned floors and got dinner ready, we then watched the second half together after dinner.  What is it with the Patriot's letting it get too close as the game ends?

Usually Sunday nights are also getting ready for a week of work, but today I have no work- school is closed in honor of Veteran's Day.  So today is a day to catch up from the busy weekend-- and also be thankful for our Veterans.  My grandfathers and father in law all served and I am truly grateful for their courage, bravery, and selflessness.

Since I didn't have to wake up early today, I didn't set an alarm.  I slept in until 7:45 and woke up with a sore throat?! :(  I am trying to keep up lots of fluids, hoping this is just due to the weather/ dehydration/ allergies, etc.

The husband has to work today, but I did make him a special breakfast to send him off-- egg and cheese sandwich, along with nutella toast (his request!)  As he left for work, I went to the gym---> in my new car! (Although I felt guilty leaving all smelly and sweaty and getting into a new car smelling clean car.)

At the gym I cranked out 1:30 on the elliptical-- roughly 11. 5 miles! Something about not having a schedule, I was so relaxed and could have gone longer.  I'm not going to lie though, my legs were a little sore and was happy to not be running today.  

As for the rest of the day, it's all about errands, catching up from a few neglected chores from the weekend and trying to get ahead with a few things too.  Tomorrow is a busy day with an all day curriculum summit to attend, followed by a literacy night I helped organized... so perhaps some resting is in order today too since I foresee a lack of sleep tomorrow!

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